This document contains detailed instructions on sending articles from Matter to your Kindle device.

Setup on

  1. Go to Amazon's Manage Your Content and Devices page and click on the Preferences tab.

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  1. Scroll down to Personal Document Settings section. Add kindle_delivery_<your_id> to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List.
    1. You can find your unique Matter delivery address on the Kindle Set Up instructions page in Matter, or on your Profile tab

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  1. Find the email address of your Kindle device that we should be sending the articles to. You will enter that email address in the Matter iOS app in the next step.

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Setup on the Matter iOS App

  1. Go to Settings → Connected Accounts → Kindle. Enter your Kindle device email in the text field and Save.

  2. That's all! You are now ready to any article from Matter to Kindle. Simply select Send to Kindle in the article action menu and we'll take care of the rest.



What if the Amazon Settings page doesn’t load?

You can also access the settings page directly on

  1. Log in on
  2. Click on Account & Lists
  3. Go to Digital content and devicesManage content and devices → Preferences

Why can’t I see the article I just sent on my Kindle device?

This could be caused by a few things: